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How to Cope Dry Skin Naturally

How to cope dry skin naturally - Dry skin can make someone feel inferior to her/his appearance. This is due to a water intake in the body or due to other factors, such as too frequent bathing with warm water.
Cope Dry Skin Naturally
Here we will look at how to solve the problem of dry skin, thus making you look beautiful again. We suggest natural ways so this is small in side effects. Let 's take a look below.

How to cope with dry skin are as follows

Drink lots of water
Water is the basic component of the body, the human body consists of a number of liquids rather than solids. So that, when the liquid is reduced, the body will experience to skin dryness, so consume lots of water at least 2 liters a day.

Reduce warm bath
Bath with warm water can make dry skin, so avoid this habit. If you are concerned with skin moisture, it is recommended to shower with cold water. Do not shower with warm water .

using moisturizer
Use a moisturizer to the skin it is recommended to avoid dry skin. Use a facial moisturizer, because it contains a lot of oil in it, not the same as other moisturizers such as lotion that contains only a small amount of oil.

Avoid chemical based cosmetics
Many cosmetics contain chemicals, so in its use tends to have negative effects on the skin. Stay away from chemicals. Familiarize yourself with natural ingredients in beauty care, such as the use of aloe vera, cucumber mask, tomato mask, whiten skin with rice and others.

Stay away from smoking habit
Smoking is no kindness in it, cigarettes made ​​of tobacco and tobacco can have a bad effect on the skin which dries the skin. If you want to look beautiful with moist skin, please stay away from smoking, and get used to a healthy lifestyle .

So thus are few tips and how to cope dry skin naturally, this way can practiced from your homes without having to salon. And the materials you need are also very easy to get. Good luck , hope that helps.