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How to Redden Dark Lips

How to Redden Dark Lips - Sexy red lip is always a matter of interest to anyone. That is the reason why women always want to look with red lips, red lips naturally tempting partner and continue to miss him. In addition, red lips also become an icon for freshness, beauty, and beauty.
redden dark lips

In contrast, the lips are dark or black symbolizes the lack of beauty and gave the impression of poor health, such as smokers lips or lips that lack pigment or color giver hormone deficiency. So on this occasion we will discuss about how to redden dark lips or blackish. Redden the lips course using natural ingredients that are known to redden lips like the use of lemon juice, honey and others.

3 Ways Redden Dark Lips

1. lemon
Essentially lemon beneficial for skin whitening, as I clear on how to whiten your face with lemon mask, but it does not mean your lips will be white. Task here is to eliminate lime blackish on the lips, then the pigment in the body responsible for giving the peacock color on the lips. The trick is: Take 2 tablespoons of boiling water, mixed with lime juice, then give a little honey (2 tbsp). Use this medicine on your lips. Then rinse off after 10-15 minutes.

2. Using Coriander Leaves
Another way to redden dark lips is to use coriander leaves, coriander leaves are not only useful for a kitchen appliance, but also beneficial for beauty, it's to redden black lips. How: Take 2 pieces of cilantro, and enough water, then puree leaves until smooth, after a smooth rub cilantro on your lips, silence for 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

3. Using Olive Oil
The next way is by using olive oil. How to make this potion is: by mixing granulated sugar with olive oil, then rub this mixture on your lips while you rub gently. Do this every morning and evening so that you quickly rosy lips.